Project Detail.

In February 2021, we partnered with NETFUND Kenya, to establish a 100,000 seedling tree nursery at Maili Tisa, Namanga and provide 100 beehives to the Community Forest Association.
As a group, we noted the need to re-ignite the culture of tree planting in our community. Being a pastoral community, our people mainly depend on rain for livestock feed and water. Planting more trees and creating environmental awareness improves rain attraction, prevent soil erosion, enhance steady water supply in streams and ponds almost throughout the year and reduces the effect of sunlight on the environment hence water stays for long periods in temporary dams, natural and artificial.
All these contributes to long term sustainable living of our pastoral communities.
The project is a continuous one as we are also working towards the goal of trying to achieve the presidential directive of a 15 Billion Trees by 2030
Together with the Community Forest Association we aim to target the following schools in our tree planting project and environmental conservation awareness -:
Noontoto Primary School
Engaboli Primary School
Enoosampurpur Primary School
Inkati primary School
Kiluani Primary School
Naarolukuny Primary School
Karero Primary School
Ormanie Primary School
Namanga Mixed Secondary School
Project Detail
February 2021